May 2015 – Supreme Roastworks

May 2015 KaffeBox Coffee Subscription

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Nyamasheke Peaberry

Origin: Nyungwe, Rwanda
Producer: Nyamasheke Washing Station
Cultivar: Bourbon
Altitude: 1700-2000 masl
Harvest date: June-August
Process: Washed and dry fermented
Taste Profile: Floral aromas with hints of red berries and caramel. Tastes fresh and clean. Sweet berries , herbs with elegant acidity . Clean and juicy aftertaste

The coffee from this washing station is delivered from several hundred farmers in the local area which are 1700-2000 masl. The coffee fruit is removed from the seed using a disc depulper. The seeds are further fermented for 24 hours before being washed in long channels, soaked overnight then dried on raised tables.

Santa Barbara, Chapata Diamantina

Origin: Bahia, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
Producer: Fazenda Santa BĂĄrbara
Cultivar: Catuai
Altitude: 1365-1400 masl
Harvest date: September 2014
Process: Pulped Natural
Taste Profile: Fragrances of caramel and dried fruits. Flavors of dark berries, prunes and raisins. Juicy and clean coffee with medium body.
The farm was located in an area with land with all the characteristics for coffee-growing, good soil, elevation, cool climate. The varieties were chosen due to their resistance to pests and for being adapted to our climate; over time, the coffee plants that did not produce quality or quantity were replaced by others of the same species, thus creating a uniform plantation targeting quality and productivity. Today, Fazenda Santa Barbara has several patios with greenhouse-like covered areas. The harvest is selective with the coffee cherries being hand-picked, drying is followed very carefully, avoiding dew and other climactic adversities. The coffee is processed by wet method, remaining in the trough for between 18 and 24 hours, then proceeds to the patio where it is spread as finely as possible until all water has been removed. It is then raked according to the space of the patio until reaching the specified humidity.


Dona Neném Espresso

Origin: Minas Gerais, Brazil
Producer: Eduardo Pinheiro Campos
Farm: Fazenda Dona Nenem
Cultivar: Yellow Bourbon
Altitude: 1062 masl
Harvest date: June-August 2014
Process: Pulped Natural
Taste Profile: Fragrance of ripe fruit, caramel and spices. Complex taste consisting of caramel, dark chocolate, brown sugar and nuts. Sweet balanced after taste. Moderate acidity.
The Dona Nenem farm, which is named after Eduardo Campos’ mother, is a large 800 hectare estate with 230 hectares dedicated to producing coffee. Coffee production first started on the farm after Eduardo inherited the land in the 1970’s. The health of the coffee trees and quality of the final product has been a high priority for Mr. Campos. Every year, 10% of the trees are removed and replaced with fresh stock which has been cultivated in specially made green houses.

Recreio Espresso

Origin: SĂŁo SebastiĂŁo da Grama, Brazil
Producer: Homero Machaedoxml
Farm: Fazenda Recreio
Cultivar: Yellow Bourbon
Altitude: 1100 – 1350 masl
Harvest date: June-August 2014
Process: Pulped Natural
Taste Profile: Light berry and roasted nuts fragrance. Taste of nuts, dark chocolate and molasses. Moderate acidity with sweet bold after taste.

The Recreio farm has been producing coffee since 1890 and with valuable experience and knowledge it is seen as one of Brazil’s most consistently excellent coffee farms. The Recreio Farm has been in the family for 4 generations and is currently managed by Diogo Machaedo. The farm uses 50% natural, 25% pulped natural, 25% washed green commercial for their coffees and dry the processed coffee on asphalt patios.

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