Tunebakken 17, 1725 Sarpsborg, Norway

Ofte stilte spørsmål


KaffeBox is a monthly coffee subscription with the goal of sending the best coffee that Scandinavia's top roasters have to offer. Each month throughout the year we feature a different roster.  The roasters themselves decide which beans they want to send, ensuring you receive the best.
Yes, of course.  If you visit the international (English) KaffeBox page, all prices are including shipping - worldwide.
It depends on where you live and what your local postal system is like, but general shipping times are Norway: 1-3 days Europe: 2-6 days World: 4-8 days
If your KaffeBox doesn't arrive, simply send us an email and let us know.  We can either send a replacement box out right away or refund your payment.
<a id"returninfo"> You are paying for great tasting beans, and we stand behind what we sell.  If you are ever unhappy with a shipment, for whatever reason, we'll refund your payment.  No need to return the beans you've been sent. If you need to return an item, you can create a return slip on this page Return Form
KaffeBox has the goal of sending out the best beans each roaster has on their menu.  When we confirm a roaster for a new month, we simply ask them what beans they feel are their best, or which beans they are currently most excited about.  As the roasters play the majority role in deciding what coffee is shipped in KaffeBox, the taste profile of the featured coffee will always be unique and exciting.
Yes.  Coffee is a fresh product and needs to get in the hands of the consumer as soon as possible after roasting.  All coffee we ship is roasted exclusively for KaffeBox.  The roasters roast the coffee per our order and ship it immediately to KaffeBox.  We stay up late at night packing the boxes so it can be shipped to you the next morning.  Freshness is a priority!
KaffeBox is shipped around the last Wednesday of every month.  The exact day can vary slightly depending on which day of the week the month ends, whether the coffee takes 1 hour or 1 day to travel from the roaster to KaffeBox, when the roaster roasts the beans, etc.  Generally speaking however, your KaffeBox will be shipping about 4 days before the end of the month.  That said, you are able to sign up to the upcoming KaffeBox until the end of the month.  If you subscribe between the general shipping date and the end of the month, your first order will go out as soon as it is placed.


Yes, you can manage everything about your account, including putting your subscription on hold on your account page.
You can easily do so on your account page.  Alternatively, you can simply send an email to [email protected]
Yes, simply send us an email at [email protected] and let us know how you want to adjust your subscription. We'll fix the rest.
Because Bitcoin and Vipps payments do not offer a recurring payment options, you can only purchase products that are paid up-front.  If you'd like a KaffeBox subscription and want to pay with Bitcoin or Vipps, you'll need to purchase a pre-paid gift subscription.  That way the payment is made up front and there is no recurring monthly charges.  Equipment and single coffee shipments can also be paid using Bitcoin or Vipps Vipps is only available to Norwegian customers.
You can pay with credit card or Paypal for the monthly KaffeBox subscriptions. For products that aren't subscription based (pre-paid gift subscription, equipment or single bags of coffee) you can also pay with Bitcoin and Vipps (Norway)
We're sad to see you leave.  Come back soon! You can easily cancel your subscription at any time on your account page.  If you've already made a payment for next month's coffee (and don't want it), simply send us an email ([email protected]) and we can refund your last payment.
Monthly Subscription For every bag of coffee we send out, KaffeBox donates 1 NOK (~USD $0.12) to support Water.org. Due to improved program efficiency, each donation will go even farther. Every bag of beans you receive through KaffeBox provides three months of safe water for a person in a developing country. Advent Calendar For every Advent Calendar purchased, KaffeBox donates 200 NOK (~USD $25) to support clean water projects through charitywater.org.  Through sales of the 2017 advent calendar, KaffeBox (thanks to you guys) was able to fund an entire well project through charity:water.  We'll be receiving (and sharing) pictures and GPS coordinates of the well when it is completed in 2019
The KaffeBox boxes are marked with the RESY symbol which guarantees that the box is recyclable and accepted for cardboard recycling after use. The KaffeBox packing box is made of corrugated cardboard and an outer liner: The corrugated cardboard in our boxes is made of 100% recyclable paper. The liner is made from wood from sustainable forests, and the liner of recycled paper. Our boxes also do not pollute: The contents of heavy metals in our boxes are in accordance with EU Directive 94/62 and are therefore suitable for recycling, energy recovery and they can be composted.


KaffeBox er et månedlig kaffeabonnement med et mål om å sende ut den beste kaffen fra Nordens topp mikrobrennerier. Hver måned i året velger vi et nytt brenneri, og sammen med dem velger vi hvilke kaffetyper som skal sendes ut. Hver måned får du oppleve nye kaffesmaker fra det beste Norden har å by på.
KaffeBox har mål om å sende ut den beste kaffen hvert brenneri har på brennelisten. Når vi avtaler med et nytt brenneri, spør vi dem ganske enkelt hvilken kaffe de synes er best eller mest spennende. Siden brenneriet er med på å bestemme hvilken kaffe som sendes ut, blir smaksprofilen til KaffeBox variert og spennende.
KaffeBox lagrer aldri kaffe. All kaffe som blir sendt ut er bestilt spesielt for abonnementet. Mikrobrenneriene brenner etter vår bestilling, og dermed er kaffen aldri mer en noen få dager gammel når du får den i postkassen.
Kaffen blir sendt ut på den siste onsdagen i måneden. Postgangen tar som regel 1-3 dager.


Ja, bare send en epost til [email protected] og si hvor mye du vil abonnere pÃ¥.
Hvis du ønsker å kjøpe et abonnement uten autofornyelse, sjekk ut våre gaveabonnement. Disse har en bestemt varighet og fornyes ikke automatisk. Med dette abonnementet betaler du hele summen på forhånd, i motsetning til et vanlig kaffeabonnement hvor du betaler måned for måned.  Perfekt til en gave.
For vanlig abonnement produketer, kan du betale med kredittkort (Mastercard, Visa etc.) eller Paypal. Hvis du kjøper kaffeutstyr eller gaveabonnement kan du også bruke Vipps eller Bitcoin som betalingsalternativer.
Det kan du enkelt gjøre på denne siden.
Månedlig abonnement For hver pose kaffe som sendes ut, donerer KaffeBox 1 krone til Water.org. Effektiviseringer i programmet gjør at hver donasjon nå rekker enda lenger: Hver pose med kaffebønner du kjøper gjennom Kaffebox gir hele tre måneder med rent vann for et menneske i et U-land. Adventskalender For hver kjøpte adventskalender, donerer KaffeBox 200 kr i støtte til rent vann prosjekter gjennom charitywater.org. Med adventskalenderen 2017 nådde vi målet om å finansiere en hel brønn!
KaffeBox eskene er merket med RESY-symbolet som garanterer at esken er resirkulerbar og aksepteres for pappresirkulering etter bruk. KaffeBox esken er satt sammen av bølgepapp og en utvendig liner: Bølgepappen i våre esker er laget av 100% resirkulerbart papir. Kraftliner er laget av trevirke fra bærekraftige skoger, og testliner av resirkulert papir. Våre esker forurenser heller ikke: Innhold av tungmetall i våre esker er i samsvar med EU-direktiv 94/62, og de er derfor egnet for resirkulering, energigjenvinning, og de kan komposteres.

Telefon / e-post

+47 48 47 09 47
[email protected]


Tunebakken 17
1725 Sarpsborg
