Dec 8
2015 Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar
Yirgacheffe – KAFFA
Origin: Yirgacheffe, Gedeo, Etiopia
Cultivar: Heirloom
Altitude: 1800 – 2100 masl
Harvest date: December 2014
Process: Washed
Roast date: 16 Nov
Roaster: KAFFA
Taste Profile: floral – citrus – fresh
Complicated legislation around processing and export in Ethiopia means that we do not have full traceability on exactly who has grown the coffee or the wash station that has processed the berries. What we know is the coffee grading (grades 1-10 with 1 being the best) and that it is then sold through a centralized and publicly controlled auction system, ECX (Ethiopia Commodities Exchange). Although coffee is sold as grade 1 it may still be varying quality parties. The unique work of our coffee starts here. A few years ago we started a relationship with a wonderful woman named Anna whole Georg Alis. She runs an export company called Moplaco based in Addis Ababa. Some might recognize the name as the naturally dried coffee we have from Ethiopia bears her name.
Moplaco purchases ready-processed coffee from ECX, then transports the coffee to their dry mill in Addis, where a very careful sorting process starts. All the coffee is sorted by size and quality both by hand and through the large machines. This year the work has taken extra time, as bad weather and pests have made the the quality of the coffee very uneven. To uphold the high quality requirement, the coffee had to undergo additional sorting, which can be tasted in the cup!
Yirgacheffe is a coffee from the county Gedeo located far south in Ethiopia, more specifically, the coffee berries picked on small farms in the area and close to town, Yirgacheffe. It is located at 1800-2100 m and the most common species of coffee here is Kurume. Our coffee from Yirgacheffe is floral, fresh and with a juicy sweetness.
This is coffee that is particularly suited for filter brewing. It will appear as crisp and fruity. Fullness can be adjusted with dosing, try with 60 – 65g / liter of water.
With a french press, the coffee will generally be experienced with fuller mouth feel. Just remember to take away the coffee froth before the plunger is depressed. The resulting brew will be clearer and better. Freshly ground coffee is always best!
Kaffa coffee roastery has its origins in the prestigious coffee shops Java on St. Hans Haugen and Mocca on Briskeby, owned and driven by world champion of barista art in 2000, Robert William Thoresen. After 15 years burn of business, Kaffa is now at home in a stunning location for production, training and education, at Ryen in Oslo.
We at KAFFA have a very clear philosophy and focus that coffee comes from a berry on a coffee tree from a coffee farmer in a geographical area. It is precisely these elements that make the coffee tastes like it does. We search out a coffee, often visited the farmer, shook his hand and always paid a good price for good coffee. We want to build lasting relationships with our suppliers, coffee growers. Fair trade, direct trade and traceability are words and expressions many like to use, for us they are a matter of course.
Kaffebrenneriet KAFFA har sitt utspring i de velrenommerte kaffebarene Java på St. Hanshaugen og Mocca på Briskeby, eid og drevet av verdensmester i baristakunst fra 2000, Robert William Thoresen. Etter 15 års brennevirksomhet holder KAFFA nå til i flotte lokaler for produksjon, opplæring og formidling av kaffekunnskap, på Ryen i Oslo.
Vi på KAFFA har en veldig tydelig filosofi og fokus på at kaffen kommer fra et bær på et kaffetre hos en kaffebonde i et geografisk område. Det er nettopp dette som gjør at kaffen smaker som den gjør. Vi har lett og funnet denne kaffen, som oftest besøkt bonden, tatt ham i hånda og alltid betalt en god pris for god kaffe. Vi ønsker å bygge varige relasjoner med våre leverandører, kaffebøndene. Fair trade, direkte handel og sporbarhet er ord og utrykk mange liker å bruke, for oss er de en selvfølge.