Hario Cold Brewer

(2 customer reviews)

499 NOK

Wine bottle shaped cold brew coffee bottle
By just adding coffee grounds and water, you can make iced coffee. Put coffee grounds in the strainer, and set the lid. Place the spout and slowly pour small amounts of water over the coffee. Once filled, place the cap and gently shake the bottle to start the extraction. Refrigerate for approximately 8 hours before serving.
SIZE W87 × D84 × H300mm
CAPACITY 5 cups / Brewed volume 650ml
WEIGHT(incl.individual box) approx.500g
Glass bottle : Heatproof glass
Filter : Polyester resin
Strainer : Polypropylene
Removable bottle spout, Stopper : Silicone rubber

Brew Guide

65g Freshly ground (coarse) Coffee
700g Cold water
Add coffee to filter area then fill bottle with cold water.  Put on lid and flip bottle a couple times to make sure all grounds are wet.  Let sit 8-24 hours.  Serve over ice with a splash of cold milk or cream.

= Norsk =
Kaldbryggeren fra HARIO har et pent design, formet som en vinflaske. Filteret er velutviklet og holder godt på kaffen, i tillegg er det enkelt å rengjøre.

Med kaldbryggemetoden kalt «Mizudashi» hvor man benytter kaldt heller enn varmt vann, kan du enkelt lage god iskaffe på en varm sommerdag! Med kaldt vann ekstraheres ikke bitterstoffer som koffein og tannin. Den sakte bryggemetoden gjør at kaffen sin egenart virkelig kommer til sin rett, og smaken blir søt og mild.

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