January 2015 – Tim Wendelboe

Tim Wendelboe Kaffeabonnement

Featured Filter Coffees

Finca Tamana

Origin: El Pital, Huila, Colombia.
Producer: Mr. Elias Roa
Harvest: June 2014
Growing conditions: 1650 – 1750 masl. In full sun.
Farm size: 63 Hectars, 23 hectars with coffee.
Cultivar: Caturra + Variedad Colombia
Process: Washed
Taste Profile: Flavours of citrus and red berries. Berry-like acidity with medium intensity. Clean and transparent mouthfeel. Lingering sweet finish with notes of sugar cane.

The coffee is selectively hand picked by hired pickers under supervision of Elias. Cherries are hand sorted before they are processed to make sure only ripe cherries are processed together. After depulping the parchment coffee is rinsed in clean water. Then the water is drained and the parchment is fermented for 14 to 16 hours. After fermentation the coffee is washed in clean water that is changed 4 times. All floaters are removed during the washing. The Parchment is soaked for 24 hours in clean water before it is dried in parabolic dryers under shade from 25 – 35 days.


Origin: Mt. Elgon, Kenya.
Kapsokisio FCS
Wet mill: Kapsokisio
Harvest: December 2013
Producer: Several smallholders
Growing conditions: 1800 – 2000 masl. in black, sandy volcanic soil. Various trees are used to give shade for the coffee trees.
Cultivars: SL 28, SL 34 & K7.
Process:  Washed
Taste Profile: Sweet jammy flavours of red berries and candied fruit. Berry-like acidity. Sweet and juicy mouthfeel. Lingering and refreshing finish.

The coffee is hand picked by the farmers and their families. After delivering the coffee to the factory / wet mill, the good coffee cherries are separated from the inferior ones. Then the cherries are depulped by using a 4 disc Aagard disc pulper. The parchment coffee is dry fermented for 24 to 48 hours and rinsed with clean water mid way through fermentation. Then the parchment is washed and graded before it gets soaked for up to 24 hours before drying. The clean coffee is dried on african elevated drying tables partly covered with shade nets.

Featured Espresso Coffees

Los Pirineos Espresso

Origin:  Tecapa-Chinameca, Usulutan, El Salvador.
Producer: Mr. Gilberto Baraona
Cultivar: Bourbon Elite
Harvest: February – March 2014
Altitude: 1400 – 1480 m.a.s. under mixed shade.
Process: Washed, sun dried on raised shaded beds
The cup: Flavours of milk chocolate and toffee with hints of fruit. Red apple like acidity with medium intensity. Rich mouthfeel. Lingering sweet finish

All cherries are selectively picked by hand. Unripe and damaged cherries are removed by hand from the ripe cherries before processing. After de-pulping the mucilage is removed with an aqua pulper which is a centrifuge that removes the mucilage without any fermentation taking place. When the mucilage is removed the beans in it’s parchment are soaked in clean water over night. After soaking the coffee is dried for about 12 -14 days on raised beds covered with shade while constantly being turned to ensure even drying.
All processing and drying is executed at Gilberto’s impeccable mill at the top of the Tecapa volcano.The coffee was stored and shipped in grain pro bags to ensure we receive the freshest possible product.

Caballero Espresso

Origin: Chinacla, La Paz, Honduras.
: Marysabel Caballero & Moises Herrera
Cultivar: Catuaí
Harvest: January – February 2014
Altitude: Around 1500 – 1600 m.a.s. Under shade trees.
Process: Washed, sun dried on raised shaded beds
The cup: Flavours of chocolate, marzipan and plums. Red apple-like acidity with medium intensity. Very sweet and creamy mouthfeel. Sweet lingering finish.

Ripe cherries are hand picked by local pickers. The pickers are paid extra to sort ripe cherries from the unripe while they are picking. Sorting is done by simply putting the cherries in separate bags. After de-pulping the mucilage is removed with the use of a penagos aqua pulper. Then the parchment is fermented for 12 hours before it is washed using African washing techniques which helps sorting floaters and undeveloped beans from the denser and more developed coffee. After washing, the beans are soaked for about 12 hours in running clean water. Then the coffee gets dried slowly on raised beds covered with shade nets.

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